Featured Trails
The Groot River wander
Groot isn’t just a walking, talking tree from the Guardians of the galaxy. It is also an Afrikaans word that means big or large. The Groot River Trail, situated in Nature’s Valley, is one of the easiest walks in my area, and most people of any shape, size and age […]
Going on a river adventure
The River Adventure trail on Brackenburn Walking the River Adventure trail on Brackenburn Private Nature reserve is always a wonderful experience; so much to see and incredible scenery to take in. With this being one of my exclusive trails, you are also guaranteed peace and quiet for the whole route. […]
River Pools extravaganza
Your exclusive peek into a gorgeous world Brackenburn Private Nature Reserve is one of the most beautiful places along the whole of the Garden Route. What makes the walking trails on this property so special is that they are totally exclusive and unique. I am privileged to be the only […]
The beach, but no forest
Hiking trails along the Garden Route With a good chance of rain coming in again this weekend; I decided, waking up on Saturday, that I needed to get out and check the river heights before it set in. There wasn’t much predicted, but we have already had quite a bit […]
Salt River wonders
When I lived in the UK, my friends and family would think me odd, well, odder than usual. I worked as a zookeeper and, on my days off, I used to visit not only other zoos, but often my own. For one thing, we always got in for free (all […]